Thursday, March 17, 2011

Australian Defence Force Academy

It's St Patrick's day. Saint Patrick's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig) is a religious holiday celebrated internationally on 17 March. It is named after Saint Patrick (c. AD 387–461), the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland. It is observed by the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the Eastern Orthodox Church and Lutherans.
Saint Patrick's Day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century, and has gradually become a celebration of Irish culture in general.
Today is that day.

Well, actually that's the definition from Wiki. Right here, You figured out that it's just another great reason to be drunk on this joyous occasion and clearly the most obvious way of expressing your love and dedication for Monsieur Saint Patrick is puking on the floor. Bonus points if you do it on a pretty girl with a pretty pink dress.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Is there a need to be happy?

Throughout all these years, You've searched so hard for the golden goose everyone was looking for. You had no idea why everyone was chasing it, but you decided to follow suit, thinking it would provide happiness or fulfillment in some way.

Finally after countless efforts and a great deal of time spent in searching for the animal, you found it and you really happy for the first week, but it weared off.

You wondered why until today when you realise you were just happy because you found something everyone else was looking for and not because that golden goose truely gave you happiness.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Return of the Gaysha.

One year. Does time ever really wait for anyone? Everything's too fast.People rushing up and down escalators in malls, trying to complete a degree in 2 years,swallowing cheese burgers while jamming their fingers behind a black laptop.
Is this stupid rat race really worth it? Sometimes you don't have to get to the end of things just to find out what's worth living for. Sometimes you just wished you were born in an Egyptian family when pryamids were still active.
Sometimes you wish for just one wish.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

For the 3 years we've dealt with acids, rotating equipments & thermodynamics.

For all the nonsensical jokes conjured to kill lectures and lecturers.

For the sadism & silly laughter derived from the plights of others.

For crushing my ego hand everytime we arm wrestle.

For trashing me in basketball,overpowering me in brute strength & overtaking me in swimming.

For trashing you in badminton, overpowering you in mental strength, & overtaking you in running.

For making me look like a dumbass everytime you prove a certain logic of yours.
For the ionic bond that we've engineered that will probably last till the end of time.

Happy birthday Hubert. Happy 21st.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where Are The Bunker Files?

The air is stale and thick. The amount of dust accumulated throughout the years of inactivity is sole irritation to several of your senses. These are the things that make you appreciate the small things in life, like the magical function of your nose hair.

You are alone, searching for 32 bunker files in a dimly-lit room filled with hundreds of ancient bunker files in numerous stacks. There are not many operational lights or fans anymore. You’ve opened every single door for ventilation and natural light, so the place is less eerie as it was. The abandoned area is filled with cobwebs everywhere, especially the familiar expensive equipment around you.

It is an old laboratory, no longer in used ever since the merger. In your hand lie 2 bunker files which is the work effort of 30 minutes. In your head, you are equating this to a maths equation - 30 files would take 7.5 more hours. You pray that ladyluck is on your side as you continue searching for the rest. Occasionally, you feel that you are not alone, but life still goes on, as it always has.

Very Large Crude Carrier ( VLCC )
Max Volume : 2 million barrels of oil
Largest ship by far

On Board Zues , a German Ship for oil transfer.

Aluminium dome roofs for oil storage.Very Pricey.

Origin from arabia. Offered by vessel's captain.

Extracted from the Author's diary during his attachment @ ExxonMobil.

He dealt with the storage & movement of oil via vessels.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

From left, Moss, Shorter Moss.

Army teaches you how to fart loudly.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The man her heart isn't missing.

Friday. You're in the office, waiting for the last hour to tick by before lunch time. It's probably the first time you're working in a government based enterprise and the semi desk- bound work is considerably light compared to the previous life draining episodes at Citibank. The pantry offers a decent range of hot beverages and free flow of biscuits which provides your healthy daily dosage of metamine intake.
Apart from the occasional mechanical noise from printer, there is nothing else that breaks the silence of this place.In a certain way, bright colours of the offices' architechture helps with the drag in the late afternoon and the overall monotony of work. Powers of observation has proven that the hair for the male staffs are kept no longer than the straightened length of your leg hair and the female's skirt no shorter than knee length. No eye candy has been spotted so far in your 2 months here.
Suddenly she comes into thought. The sly almond eyes, sheepish smile, flawless complexion along with that heart shaped face of hers that displayed the very essence of innocence and purity. You remember how soft and cold her silky skin felt against yours, but thats as far as it went.
Perphaps, in another time, at another place, things would be different.But right now, you are the man her heart isn't missing.

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