Monday, July 30, 2007

It's about 8pm on a quiet sunday night.Everyone except you has gone out.Today, You decided to miss church service and hesitantly turned down an outing to finish up what's left of the overdued project, once and for all.

The visual strains are visible in your bloodshot eyes, after being in front of the PC for roughly 8 straight hours but the more unbearable thing is that your empty stomache is starting to feel the horrible effects of hydrochloric acid.

You are tempted to get a quick bite, but this sense of urgency to complete the project is somehow greater than your hunger and straps you tightly to your seat, and so you position your hands back on the keyboard with much discomfort.

"Anyway, the parents will be back soon with good dinner, sooner or later." You reassured yourself that you'll probably be handsomely rewarded and filled to your brim for your patience and discipline that is rare to come by with your personality.

All of a sudden, your mobile phone next to you rings and the small screen shows a familiar name.

You picked up the call and the person on the other line tells you he is attached.

Astonised, you shoot some questions about his girl before finally congratulating him.
As you put down the phone, you realise you are happy for him, but at the same time, you wonder if there's a need to feel regretful for your single status until now.

Once again, you hear the sound of silence within the four walls of your study room , but more than that, deep down inside, there's a tinge of loneliness in your heart waiting to be naturally swept away by a girl who wears her heart on her sleeves

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Is it the way you hold your conversations ?

Certain sweet gestures you drop occasionally ?

Hold on, a beautiful girl once told you that your EQ is equally matched with your intellect and till today, you still wonder if that's a good or a bad thing.

Perphaps, its just the right amount of confidence that your soul emits or rather, the certainty of knowing you can handle any given situation at any time.

Maybe, just maybe its your unique ability to give love , in its various forms and receive it well, all at once.

But no, wait this is Singapore and you know you take delight in watching people enjoy their food. It must be the places you bring her for good food.

But then again, you're able to laugh at yourself and make others laugh at the same time.

You might seem humerous or you might look self-degrading.

And on this lonely night, your only wish is for someone your match to drop from heaven.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's been a hectic day but the mere glimpse of Bus 132 re-energises your spirit for a moment. Quiet bus rides home are always your perfect time for self evaluation and reflection, especially when the heavy rain adds on to the emotive mood.

You take a quick glance of all the passengers on the board ; there's no one of interest and you find that your favourite seat right at the second last row is untaken.

After settling down, you start to observe more in detail and you realise there's a mix of blue and white collared workers in the crowd. You already know which one you want to be because you have given much thought about your career which doesn't seem as far away anymore than it used to be.

You're 18 and its a good age to be in. It's work, play, play and more play.

You know yourself abit better than before because the past few years that went down the road was mostly self-discovery. For now, You know you wont date a girl that doesn't shave, down sleeping pills and laxatives during the same night and know you're quite a metrosexual.

But the thing is you'll be in 19 in 2 hours and you cant help but wonder how things would change in the near future.

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