Friday, September 29, 2006

This was far-by, the worst, amongst the very few jobs I took up.

The whole God-damned working enviroment consisted of 80% indians, of which, 79.99% of them reeked of decomposed fish and rotten eggs - A deadly combination I must say.I clearly recalled it pushing my limit and I was praying for God to make me breathe through my asshole.Sad to say,there is really no point for indians putting on perfumes because its as good as trying to put out a forest fire with your own pee.The few good Indians that had no smell / smelled good (0.01%) must have soaked themselves in bleach or detergent and then used a whole bottle of Hugo Boss perfume for a day.

Initially, we were told we were selling wine for the International Wine Exhibition ( A pretty huge thing for carefour ), but we ended up unpacking them and clearing the boxes and cartons - I mean, as a considerate Singaporean who emphasizes on Racial Harmony, I shouldn't be stealing the few job prospects Indians were born to do, like this one right ?

Bloody laborious , not forgetting to mention that working with uncivilised, hairy, black, smelly and sweaty animals made the job a whole lot suckier.

Furthermore, there was this puny blackass who was trying to boss Cyrus and me around.The first few times we just listened because we thought he was of some higher rank, but after we realised that he wasn't, we just pretended we couldn't hear his instructions. HAHA. But that black fucker got abit smarter and asked us to do stuff right in front of the manager.

On our last day, Cyrus wanted to cut off his penis and yank out every strand of hair off his pathetic moustache and I would flush him down the girl's toilet bowl to right where he truely belongs - the sewage.Maybe then, on National Day, he could sing, " Sewage, my Home." and remember us on that day for doing a great part in rediscovering his own identity, as a genuine Indian.

So if you happen to ask my race, I am no chinese.

I'm a racist.

Moral of the Story.

Definition of a Family Photo - An Indian standing next to a piece of shit.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I almost jumped out from my chair when you talked to me on msn the day before. It was just.. out of the blue.

I wonder why - because we never did keep in touch at all, after our world crashed and burned and everything else that went along. But just in case your mind wonders, my life is great - without you.

So during these few months, you got attached - you thought you emerged the winner after the war by using someone else as a substitution to erase me in you.Well that works fine, but let me judge you on that upon a 100 marks.

Innovativeness - 10

Rationalism - 0

Stupidity - 90

I'll stop here as much as our road goes.

I also realise that above all, love is selfish. Love, defined by many words, can be said to be about ownership. It is only when you feel like you completely own someone, as terrible as this sounds, then do you feel secure in loving that someone completely, giving up yourself to that one person. Then it seems unjustified to categorize mindlessly, her departure as a result for selfish needs, but as always, it is too late for regrets.


is often selfish and unkind, we find ourselves victims of the grand conspiracy, wrecked by jealousy and envy.

is often too delightful at first touch, we find ourselves naively succumbing to it, only to find out at the very end that the greatest love of all is the love we have for ourselves, and nothing more.

is often something that people mistake for lust, kindness, grace, or any of those above: we find that too many times we say 'we love', and don't feel our hearts responding.

is often too shortlived, we find ourselves yearn for more, hunger for it, and treasure every memory.

is often too beautiful to be true, we find ourselves to be jaded, disillusioned, and 'i-hate-the-world' at the very end of things.

is crazily anticing, we find ourselves falling in love at first sight, falling for the wrong people, only to have our hearts broken after the whirlwind ride.

but because love is all of those things, and things undiscovered, we find it in ourselves the capacity to love, because we will never know the profund absurdity and beauty of some things until we step into it.

I've decided impulsively, over cups of coffee as I mulled over the past few months, that I will fall in love with a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. But I also decide, quite certainly, that I probably would have to wait for someone like this, and during which I should consume an inordinate amount of caffeine and dedicate my nights to wearing my heart on my sleeves just like this.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Okay so I went for the job interview at CapitalLand building without knowing what hell to expect.Earlier on, Cyrus told me his dad had cautioned him not to get conned, like into selling his own body at half price ( Buy Him Get Me free ) or giving free blow jobs to gay banglas.

It was nothing like that.

Guess what? They wanted us to sell our bodies in return for a cup of salted peanuts.

I tell you, it was like a rocky trip to mars and back.
So here it goes.

The lift opened at the 10th floor. The big logo read " Venture Era".On first sight, we noticed were teenagers wearing suits and skirts, carrying files and bustling around.We asked for Vera, who had requested for us to go down for the interview and we were told to be seated.

At the corner of my eye, I saw someone's familiar sihouette.I quickly approached her from the back and with closer inspection, it was affirmation that she was Anju's friend, Tin.Giving her a weak slap on the back, our conversation started, while Cyrus caught up pace with me.

Me: Hmm surprise surprise.So you're working here?

Tin: *Stares at me blankly*

Me: Justin from ADC?

Tin: OH!! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ( So far the longest one i've ever heard)

Me: So you're working here?

Tin: Sort of.You guys too ?

Me: Nah, we're here for the interview.

Cyrus: So what do you do ?

Tin: Some admin stuff.

Me: Like ?

Tin: Errr ...* pauses a while and widens up a gentle smile*... Some admin stuff la. When you get recruited then I tell you la.

Cyrus: HUH?!! err okay. * turns to me and gives me that what kinda-shit-is-happening-here look*

Me: So what's the pay like and do you work everyday ?

Tin: Next time I'll tell you and I come whenever I feel like coming. Cya guys later! * winks*

As she walked off,both of us knew we were feeling relatively uneasy about this company, especially Tin's strange answers towards such elementary questions.

We got back to our seats.Soon after we were given application forms by this girl who looked no older than us.

Girl: * looks at Cyrus* Eh I'm from Junyuan Sec too.

Cy: Huh? *Trying to recall*

Girl: Hanny's friend.

Cy: Oo! You changed alot! What you working as ?

Girl: Hmm when you're a part of our company then I tell you la. * Takes our forms and walks away*

This was the last straw.This was our limit.Cyrus made a call to Hanny.Apparently, she said "Girl" changed alot after working for this company."Girl" would perpetually try to promote the company's products whenever she was out with her friends.

At that point of time, wild ideas were starting to generate themselves in our minds.I started guessing that these people were brain-washed out of their fucking senses into programmable robots and Cy thought that this part of the building ( where the company was ) would just fly off suddenly and the working teenagers would transform into aliens and we would die in the most horrible way ever.

Finally, we were called into an office room for the interview where we were introduced to "Mr Kelvin" who held a business manager position in the company.

This was the first stage of hell.

Mr Kelvin: Hello guys, have a seat. So where are you studying and which course are you in ?

Cyrus: Nyp in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technology.

Mr Kelvin: Okay good, have you ever once thought of starting a business of your own?

Me & Cyrus: Nope. We're both into science.

Mr Kelvin: Let me show you our latest product.

He calls for another staff called X and X lead us to a room with 2 other guys who were 17 years of age as we got to know later.X then started his paper slides on the product.

Product name : Cal Water ( Calcium ionised water )

1. Smallest H20 Molecule on earth ( our bodies readily absorb smaller molecules )

2.Anti - Oxidant and Anti Aging ( Prevents cancer)

3.Detoxifying ( Cleans your system)

4.Energised ( Like your Gatorade or 100 Plus for instant refreshment)

5.Ph 8 ( It is healthier to drink water that's towards alkalinity to neutralise our acidic body)

Apparently, X had all sorts of newspaper cuttings dating all the way from 25 years ago and he was doing all sorts of comparative test with Cal water and our normal water to support these facts about their product. For example, the oldest japanese man ever lived was 121 years of age and the people in his village drank akaline water and he showed that Cal water actually neutralised iodine ( really really toxic ), while water did not.

X: So any questions about our product?

Me: Why dont I see your products on the shelves of any supermarket?

Cyrus: Yah la! ( getting suspicious)

X: We're trying not waste money on media advertising and we're doing a different way of advertising and selling - through word of mouth and thats where we need you.

Me: Okay let's say you spend THIS MUCH on advertising on tv and media, do you realise how many folds your company will get back with a uber product like this? And do you know how many millions of people watch tv everyday ? I bet you will overtake Evian water if you just put your products on the shelves.

X: Its a risk we will never take and since there's no furthur questions, I will now send you guys back to Mr kelvin.


Btw, from their expressions and head nods, I bet the other two guys actually swallowed every word he said.Really really really really dumb and naive.

Anyway,Cyrus said he wanted to leave but I suggested we play along and thats what we did.

Back in Mr Kelvin's office.

Mr Kelvin: So how do your find our product?

Cyrus&Me: Thumbs up + *Sarcastic smile*

Twodumbguys: Woah damn good man.

Mr Kelvin:If you guys had guessed it, I'm actually about your age,18.I got into Venture Era at about age 16 and Miss Vera and I are actually still studying.Do you guys have any criminal record? ( Pointing to each of us as we shooked our heads). Well, I have and I come from a single income family but I worked my way up in Venture Era and here I am now, a business manager. ( like screw you ? Any position can sound damn highly payed but it depends on the nature of the company you bloody faggot) I took about 9 months since I came in and who says you need to have age to be experienced to be able to do business?Look at me and Vera and all the other business managers.They are most likely your age. (haha you think I'm going to join a company with a bunch of teenagers running it ah)

Cyrus: * busily smsing*

Me: * Just nodding my head but I'm still interested in how he hypnotises teenagers to join*

Twodumbguys: * seating face to face with Mr Kelvin looking really interested with the job*

Mr Kelvin: So who do you think you will sell the products to ?

Twodumbguys: family and relatives

Me&Cyrus: er yah family ( haha yah right i'll give it to my dog)

Mr Kelvin:Good way to start, family. ( shit, you want us to target and con our own family into buying your gimmick ? dream on) Now I'm going to to tell you about your job position. You are only allowed to do word of mouth sales and once you reach a certain number of sales, you will be promoted and when you reach my position, you're allowed to hire people under you.( yah like a pryamid scam, from the top all the way to the botttom )Your pay will be purely on commission

Mr Kelvin: You see this Mont Blanc pen ? *Takes it out of his pocket* It's about $470. I myself go for brands. Do you? ( points to each of us)

Me: So what's our pay?

Mr Kelvin: Whats your goal in life and do you think money is the most important thing in the world?

Me: err definitely money isn't the most important thing in the world but its sure hell is important right ?

Mr Kelvin: If people ask you what you're doing, tell them, we call ourselves businessmen, not salesmen and if you join us, the better benefit will be the social one. You get to meet different people from all walks of life.Let's say I give you 3000 a month, or I pay you 10 cents on the first day and a continous 10 cent increment on your second day and so on ( like fuck, you need to work for your entire life just to earn a decent salary? ), which pay will you choose?

Me:Erm Mr Kelvin, I'm just trying to get a part-time job that will get me as much cold hard cash now.I'm not looking for a career in your company and I'm pretty much satisfied with my social life.Business is mostly , if not , all about money so set your social life and activities apart.

Like wtf, you tell me about your Mont Blanc pen and how you go for brands and now you tell me its the social life you get in this company.How fucking contradicting.And to join a club to improve my social life ? Some kind of practicality - B u l l s h i t.

So much for the Venture Era.And so we left mars and went back to Mother Earth.

Well if you asked about the two guys - They're in Venture Era now.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

In Memory Of Steve Irwin 1942 - 2006

He was one of Australia's icon and his zeal and passion for wildlife knew no boundaries. Sometimes I really think good people die young. Dont cha think so?

Anyway my mom accidentally stained one of my favourite long sleeves by putting it together with my sister's pink one in the washing machine and it was barely 3 weeks old.Now the only place I can wear it is at home ( AH SHIT ) but I still dont have the heart to.

Damn right.Curses.

On a happier tune, my sister still owes me a casual-formal jacket. Hoho!

I will shop when the winter-fall season arrives.There's no question about it.The material's really too thin now and I dont wish to see anyone gawking at my protruding tits.

Btw Cyrus and I were shortlisted by some entrepreneurship company.Job interview on Monday. Bon!

As a tribute to Steve's death, I , Justin Lim, will now attempt to consume sambal stingrays every Monday.

Life, here I come.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Its funny how dreams can be interpreted by different people to be so many different things. Some say its a reflection of reality; a prediction somehow. Others say its a recap of what goes through your mind when you're wide awake.Perphaps they indicate a deeper issues in our subconscious minds.

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